Terms & Condition

Collaboratively maximize fully researched process improvements via robust potentialities through standards compliant synergy.

1. Refunds will not be issued if the domain is registered after the domain is ordered.
2. If any information is wrong while ordering, you have to take the responsibility, always try to order with all the information yourself, if any staff of the company does your work, then the responsibility of any mistake will also be on you because the staff is working to help you. Did, this is why you always order so as not to make a mistake.
3. After registering the domain, check your mail, many important mails may be sent, such as billing information with the domain verify confirmation link, if you do not confirm the domain's verify link, the domain will be suspended, you have to take responsibility.
4. **Your domain must be renewed before it expires, you may have to pay extra fees when it expires, transfer will not be allowed when the domain expires.
5. Any other report including DMCA report / Spamming / Trademark / Phishing link actually Puppet Host reserves the right to suspend the domain without any notification, after which any objection from the client will not be entertained. Smart Host BD reserves the right to suspend trademark domain registrations without notice.
6. Smart Host BD Domain Panel WHMCS provides full domain control from this panel, domain control features are provided on domain page, if client claims for any other panel it will not be acceptable. There is no option to even move the domain to another provider, only to the internal account of the Smart Host BD.
7. Before buying any domain, check their terms and conditions from the official website of the domain i.e. the registry website, if the main company suspends and deactivates the domain after buying it from Smart Host BD, we will have nothing to do. In that case, you have to contact the main company ie the registry, such complaints are not acceptable. I have bought the domain from the Smart Host BD and the puppet host will fix it. Smart Host BD only acts as a domain reseller here, Puppet host doesn't have all access so can do everything.
8. After purchasing the domain, many times Google and Facebook block the domain for content violation, or the domain may be already blocked because someone bought and used it earlier, in which case the customer has to take this responsibility. After buying a new domain, many times the domain from Bangladesh is blocked by BTCL, before buying the domain, you must check whether the domain is blocked. No objections or refunds will be entertained after purchasing the domain.

✳ Our domain cannot be used for any adult content or anti-national activities, if used, the domain will be suspended without any notice.
✔ Once any domain registration is done, that domain money will not be refunded, if any domain transfer is initiated, it will also not be refunded.

1. Once the domain reseller funds are non-refundable, you must use all funds for the domain registrar.
2. Smart Host BD will not tell the client any info from where to register the domain, Smart Host BD must provide a panel for domain reseller and domain manage.

After buying hosting from us, you will understand the complete CPanel, if you don't understand then the client will have to take that responsibility, if you change / delete any file database without understanding after understanding CPanel, the client will have to take that responsibility.

Any adult content/betting/ptc/dollar purchase on our hosting is not allowed to be used as a trading site or for any anti-state activities, if used, the hosting will be suspended or removed without any notice.

Company will not be responsible if Facebook blocks your domain after taking our hosting, customer will be responsible.

If you do not pay the hosting bill on time i.e. more than 7 days after the due date of the bill, then the hosting will be deleted without any notice, the data or files cannot be recovered, you must check the mail or login to the billing portal. You need to know the time of the bill, sometimes the mail or SMS may not go, so you have to login to the portal and check. And you have to pay before it gets deleted.  

Smart Host BD's shared hosting cannot be used for any storage, such as video audio file downloads and uploads, only website databases and files can be kept on the specified plan.

Any other report including DMCA report / Spamming / Trademark / Phishing link actually Smart Host BD has the ability to suspend or terminate the hosting without any notification, then any objection from the client will not be accepted.

✳Backups and Data Loss

Smart Host BD will not take any responsibility for data loss due to server crash or any tech related reasons, Smart Host BD only provided hosting service and did not take responsibility for data backup, after that Smart Host BD automatically saves data on remote server. Due to technical reasons, the data may not be stored on the remote server, so the client should download the backup regularly from the cPanel. Smart Host BD does not provide remote backup capabilities either. Save backup from cPanel for client's own security.

✳ Site Migration / Transfer

Smart Host BD will facilitate free transfer from cpanel to cpanel, any manual transfer charge will be $5-$20, depending on site data will be more or less. Migration from Root Access to VPS or Dedicated Server is completely free,
Transfer from non-root to 20 accounts is free, after that $1 will be charged for each account. Same conditions apply to resellers.

BackupsSmart Host BD take daily backup and backups are not guaranteed. These backups are strictly for our own use in-case of a server failure. Smart Host BD recommends that clients backup their data to their personal computers or storage servers. Clients are responsible for their own data.  Note: Audio video zip file is not kept in remote backup, only website content and database backup is kept.

Suspended or Terminated Account Backups – If you need backup for suspended account, you need to pay $10 one time fee. We keep terminated account backup for 7 days only. The restoration fee is $15 one time depend on the backup availability. Note: We do not provide any guarantee on terminated account backup.

✳ Unacceptable Material:

Movie Downloading Uploading Audio/Video
✔ IRC Scripts/Bots or IRCD (irc servers)
Proxy Scripts/Anonymizers
Image Hosting Scripts (similar to Photobucket or Tinypic)
AutoSurf/PTC/PTS/PPC sites
Bruteforce Programs/Scripts/Applications
Mail Bombers/Spam Scripts
Banner-Ad services (commercial banner ad rotation)
File Dump/Mirror Scripts (similar to rapidshare)
Commercial Audio Streaming (more than one or two streams)
High-Yield Interest Programs (HYIP) or Related Sites
Investment Sites (FOREX, E-Gold Exchange, Second Life/Linden Exchange, Ponzi,  MLM/Pyramid Scheme)
Lottery/Gambling Sites
Hacker focused sites/archives/programs
Sites promoting illegal activities
Broadcast or Streaming of Live Sporting Events (UFC, NASCAR, FIFA, NFL, MLB, NBA, WWE, WWF, etc)

✳ VPS CPU Usages:

Client agrees not to run any processes on his or her VPS which create a CPU load above 0.9 on the VPS for an extended period of time or which cause a high CPU load on the host node for an extended period of time. In other words, client agrees not to use the equivalent of a full core for him or herself for an extended period of time. Disruptive CPU usage may result in a reboot, shutdown, and/or suspension of the VPS regardless of the time lapse involved.

✔ Refund – Unfortunately We Don’t offer any refund for VPS or Dedicated Server or any Reseller Hosting.

✔  NID Card must be given in case of BDIX VIPs.

✔ Policy for VPS services:

The following are strictly prohibited uses and may result in immediate suspension and/or termination if discovered on Your account:

  • Minecraft and its variations and anything related to Minecraft including control panels or websites about Minecraft. (Yes, we mean it. We will not make any exceptions.)
  • Chobots, Starbound, Runescape
  • Teamspeak and Mumble
  • Denial of Service (DoS) attacks
  • Port scanning
  • TOR/VPN/Proxy/Any kind of anonymity services not allow
  • Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA), including for Subscribers that are of foreign heritage and/or operating in a foreign country.
  • Torrents
  • Illegal downloads/Piracy
  • CamFrog
  • Virtual currency (*coin) mining
  • HentaiAtHome
  • IP spoofing
  • Fake/Replica product websites
  • World Community Grid
  • HYIP websites
  • Booter/Stresser websites
  • HitLeap or any artificial traffic creation
  • iBusinessPromoter or similar software
  • Chinese private game servers or websites
  • Nested Virtualization
  • Anything related to ZenCash
  • Any kind of high CPU, IO and network usage

Note: VPS/VDS/Dedicated server user doesn’t have any data backup option includes by default. Nor even any backup of the VPS/VDS/Dedicated server customer’s data is stored on Smart Host BD’s side for any disaster recovery purpose. So, it’s always the customer’s responsibility to create their backup strategy.

✳ Local VPS/RDP:

Local VPS/RDP IP Rplacement :
✔  IP Rplacement charges - $2

✳ USA Residential VPS :

Smart Host BD provides Residential USA IP for survey and Outsourcing works. Smart Host BD Not involve with any Survey Site. So, We can't give you assurance to work perfectly on any survey site. It depends on the worker's own capability. You may verify and check your IP and make sure that they are Residential IP Addresses. We guaranteed to provide you USA Residential IP. Please remember if your behavior on Survey sites like BOT and not human being, Your IP may be blocked by Survey Site Detect as a Proxy. It's very important to behave as a human being. Don't work with multiple users. Don't work for the whole day the whole night.

Residential IP Rplacement :
✔  IP Rplacement charges - $10


Be sure to register with your correct information when registering with Smart Host BD. NID or other documents may be required later.
In all cases documents are requested.
1. In case of change of Smart Host BD account email or any other information.
2. While verifying the account of the Smart Host BD.
3. If the Domain, Hosting, VPS, Dedicated Server is suspended for any reason.

✔  Rules of bad behavior

Smart Host BD reserves the right to suspend, remove or close the client's account if any client misbehaves with Smart Host BD's staff admin and other persons regarding Smart Host BD's service matters. After that, the account will not be reactivated in any way, all services in the account will become unusable.


✔  In case of unauthorized payment, the payment will be refunded in the same channel, depending on the gateway, it may take 1 to 7 days or more.

✔ If a shared/reseller account has a past due invoice, we will perform the following actions.

  • 1 Days – Accounts are suspended
  • 7 Days – Accounts will be terminated.

If a VPS has a past due invoice, we will perform the following actions.

  • 1 Days – Accounts are suspended
  • 2Days – Accounts are terminated

Dedicated servers will be suspended as soon as an invoice is overdue.

✔ If for some reason the invoice shows unpaid after payment through the gateway, open a ticket with your payment info, Smart Host BD will contact the gateway and inform the solution in that case it may take 5 minutes to 1 hours, in such a case your order will not be active.

Note: In this case we may have to contact the payment gateway for which the third party's reply may be delayed, wait until the reply is given.

✔ In case of manual payment it may take 5 minutes to 1 hours for bKash/rocket/cash/Bank Transfer.

Note: If the invoice number is wrongly given as a reference during manual payment, then the wrong invoice will be paid and the service will be activated, in this case the refund will not be accepted, the client will have to make a new payment.

✳ Refunds Policy 

✔ If Smart Host BD's support or any other problem fails to resolve, then client can get refund, refund request will not be accepted if more than 7 days.

✔  Once any domain registration is done, the domain money will not be refunded, if any domain transfer is initiated, the same will not be refunded.

✔ Any VPS or Dedicated Server is completely non-refundable.

✔  There is no moneyback guarantee on reseller hosting.

✔  No refund will be admissible if your service is canceled/suspended/terminated due to non-compliance with our terms.

✔  Money deposited in the client's account is non-refundable, it can be used to purchase any service.

✔ Cancellation requests from any location other than the client area will not be accepted.

✔  After submitting the cancellation request, the account cannot be reactivated in any way, you have to purchase a new package.

✳Cancellation and Refunds Procedure

✔  If you want to cancel the service, you have to submit a cancellation request from the client area. To do this click the icon next to the package you wish to cancel ‘Request Cancellation’ Press then you must fill and submit the form.

[ "immediate cancellation" It means your package will be deleted within 1-24 hours of submitting the cancellation request.

"End of Billing Period" It means that it will be active till the last billing date and then it will be auto canceled. Selecting this will not apply for refund.]

✔ After submitting the cancellation request, the billing department will open a ticket, after which you will get the refund within 12-48 hours (may take longer depending on the gateway - 1 to 12 days). If any charge is deducted when sending or receiving money to the account to which the money will go, the client will have to pay that charge.

✔ If credit balance refund is taken to Smart Host BD's account, refund will be received within 1 minute-1 hour, credit balance refund should be written on the ticket. 

✳ Fraud/Scam Protection

Violation of these rules may result in the suspension of your account.

✔ Registering an account with incorrect information.

✔ Communicating about the same account through multiple platforms simultaneously.

✔ Repeatedly communicating unnecessarily about the service even after getting the proper service.

✔ Attempting to change the service by making false complaints unnecessarily.

✳ What to do to reactivate account after suspended.

" If your account is suspended as a result of breaking these rules, you will need to submit your national identity card and photograph to open the account.

" All this information should be submitted through Support Ticket and let us know by writing your comment there.

Change to the TOS: Smart Host BD reserves the right to revise its policies at any time without notice.

Location Of Our Clients